5 Instagramable tours around Malang City, Ada Batu Love Garden

Malang City and its surroundings, including Batu City, is one of the favorite tourist destinations.

There, there are many choices of tourist attractions. Visitors seem to never run out of lists of tourist attractions that can be visited there.

If you decide to visit Malang for the Christmas and New Year (Nataru) holidays, then you don't need to be confused about where to go.
The following Kompas.com summarizes 5 Instagramable tours around Malang City:

1. Stone Love Garden

Batu Love Garden has just opened to welcome tourists at the end of 2020, so if you have visited Batu City several times, then you will still be treated to new things.

Batu Love Garden or simply Baloga holds various types of flowers. The panorama is also beautiful. When the weather is clear, Mount Arjuno can be seen proudly from here.

The location of Batu Love Garden, which is still part of the Jawa Timur Park Group, is on Jalan Raya Pandanrejo number 91, Batu City.
The price of admission to Batu Love Garden is IDR 60,000 for weekdays and IDR 80,000 for weekends. The opening hours are 08.30-16.30 WIB.

2 NK Cafe

Nandes Kombet Kafe or NK Kafe for short, just opened on Tuesday (18/8/2020). Nandes kombet, when reversed, is a wall, which means leaning against the wall in Indonesian.

Besides being able to eat, visitors can also see the beauty of the rice fields and the towering Mount Arjuno. The menus available include NK chicken soup, rawon, nendes grilled chicken, and NK peace kikil rice cake.
The cafe, which is located in two villages, namely Ampeldento and Ngijo Villages, Karangploso District, Malang Regency, is open from 06.30-21.30 WIB.

Here, visitors can also cycle around the villages in Karangploso District.

3. Florawisata San Terra de Lafonte

Batu Love Garden is not the only flower garden in Malang and its surroundings.

There is also Florawisata San Terra de Lafonte which also offers a beautiful collection of 700 types of flowers. This place has only been opened for about a year, namely Tuesday (24/12/2020).
The location of Florawisata San Terra de Lafonte is in Pandesari Village, Pujon District, Malang Regency.

4. Malang Night Paradise

One of the most complete tourist attractions in Malang City and its surroundings is Malang Night Paradise.

This tourist spot has many interesting rides, such as a lantern garden, a flying car, and a magic journey.

Visitors can feel the sensation of riding a small boat that will pass through a witch's house, Venice, Thailand, to Japan.

The location of Malang Night Paradise is in Grha Kencana Housing, Jalan Raya Karanglo, Karanglo, Balearjosari, Blimbing District, Malang. The opening hours are 17.45-22.00 WIB.

5. Jatim Park 3

Tourists who want to feel the sensation of returning to the dinosaur era can visit Dino Park or better known as Jatim Park 3.

Just as the name suggests, Jatim Park 3 has a vehicle that offers the experience of meeting these ancient animals.

Apart from Dino Park, there are also other rides, such as the World Music Museum, The Legend Stars, and Funtech Plaza.
Jatim Park 3 is located on Jalan Ir Soekarno number 144, Beji, Junrejo District, Batu City, East Java.

source: Kompas

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